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Revisión actual del 08:35 25 feb 2020

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Mensaje original (Juegos infantiles en vasconia)
====[/atlas/juegos/Lanzando-la-trompa-Getxo-1993.jpg|Lanzando la trompa. Getxo (B), 1993. Fuente: Jon Elorriaga, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Las transformaciones operadas en el mundo adulto tienen su necesario reflejo en el mundo infantil. Sin olvidar que estas transformaciones afectan también al universo de creencias, convicciones y ritos que subyacen en el fondo de muchos juegos tradicionales; muchos de estos se vaciarán de significación, algunos caerán en el desuso, otros persistirán y se adaptarán a las nuevas circunstancias.||]====
Traducción====[/atlas/juegos/Lanzando-la-trompa-Getxo-1993.jpg|Playing with spinning tops. Getxo (B), 1993. Source: Jon Elorriaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Changes in the adult world are also necessarily reflected in the children’s world. It should not be forgotten that those changes also affect the world of beliefs, convictions and rites underlying many traditional games; many of which would be stripped of meaning, some would fall into disuse, others would persist and would adapt to the new circumstances.||]====

[/atlas/juegos/Lanzando-la-trompa-Getxo-1993.jpg|Playing with spinning tops. Getxo (B), 1993. Source: Jon Elorriaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Changes in the adult world are also necessarily reflected in the children’s world. It should not be forgotten that those changes also affect the world of beliefs, convictions and rites underlying many traditional games; many of which would be stripped of meaning, some would fall into disuse, others would persist and would adapt to the new circumstances.||]