Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Zurututza Farmhouse. Zeanuri (B), c. 1925. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

Etxeko habeak, etxeko berri. A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another’s.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Ogi erre berri, etxe galgarri. Soft bread at home, an unruly household.
Bread baking. Ariztimuño Farmhouse. Oñati (G), 1955. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Leapfrog jumping. Source: Iñigo Irigoyen, José. Folklore Alavés. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Chartered Government of Álava, 1949.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Astoka One or more participants bend down in a position that is usually called a frog and the others jump over them.
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Nolako gaitza, halako erremedioa. There’s a cure for everything.
Sarnapotzu, Magdalene of Arantzadi’s Hermitage. Berriatua (B), 1983. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Promenading. Aoiz (N), 1950. Source: Pilar Sáez de Albéniz, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Neskazaharrak joaten dira Madalenara, santuari eskatzera senar on bana. Folk song
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

A small group of neighbours would watch over the corpse in turns during the night and make sure that the light burning next to it did not go out.
Shroud in a suit. Amezketa (G), 1959. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Cattle on common pastures. Carranza (B), 2007. Source: Luis Manuel Peña, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Communities in areas where livestock has been the fundamental basis of their way of life consider Saint Anthony Abbot as the main protector of the health and fertility of the animals.
Agriculture in the Basque Country

Agriculture in the Basque Country

Maiatz luzea, gosea; garagarrilak ekarriko du asea. A very wet May, much straw and little grain.
Wheat being threshed and sacked. Navarre, c. 1960. Source: Archive of the Museum of Navarre: Nicolás Ardanaz Collection.