Translations: Resumen Medicina popular en vasconia/9/en

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
Revisión del 15:25 6 feb 2019 de Admin (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «Blood is the subject of a single chapter; others dealing with the internal organs are structured around respiratory diseases, the stomach and intestines, the liver, kidneys...»)
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Blood is the subject of a single chapter; others dealing with the internal organs are structured around respiratory diseases, the stomach and intestines, the liver, kidneys and other viscera. Of the two chapters on bones and rheumatic illnesses, one deals with lumbago, the other with fractures and dislocations. The sections on lesions are divided into wounds, haemorrhages and the extraction of thorns, animal and insect bites and, finally, frostbite, sunstroke, drowning and lightning. The chapter on reproduction deals with menstruation, problems affecting breast-feeding mothers, sterility, fertility and the menopause. A further two chapters are devoted to children’s ailments. The work ends with a couple of chapters on popular beliefs about the causes of some illnesses and their specific treatments, and on health and popular religion, prompted by a study of the customs relating to hermitages and sanctuaries believed to protect the health of pilgrims and cure certain diseases.