Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Grandmother and grandchildren. Urduliz (B), 2011. Source: Akaitze Kamiruaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

The traditional Basque family is noted for a type of clearly defined feminism, which can be seen from the application of the right of the first-born to inherit regardless of their sex, the common ownership of property brought to the marriage by the spouses, their equal standing in civil law, and the woman’s status as the head of the household in the domestic religious life, the cultural rites of the home, of the church and of the family burial ground.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Donde no hay ni pan ni pollos, el horno no está para bollos. If there’s no bread or chicken, you shouldn’t bake rolls.
Scoring after fermentation. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Children riding scooters and tricycles at Florida Park. Source: Municipal Archive of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Ceferino Yanguas.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Humans play games throughout their lives; however, that activity has a clearly different role for children and adults.
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Nolako gaitza, halako erremedioa. There’s a cure for everything.
Sarnapotzu, Magdalene of Arantzadi’s Hermitage. Berriatua (B), 1983. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Under the portico. Orozko (B), 1956. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Ogiaren kurruskua mutikoa izan dadin. Eat up your crusts to have a boy.
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Dying on a rainy day or if it rained after the death showed that the soul would be saved: gorputz ona, euritsu.
On the way to the cemetery, c. 1950. Izurdiaga (N). Source: Carmen Jusué, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
On the move to the summer pastures in Gorbeia, 2006. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Traditional shepherding and free-range livestock husbandry have prevailed on regions where these three requisites are satisfied: communal land, open-access rights, and free movibility for herds.
Agriculture in the Basque Country

Agriculture in the Basque Country

Our rural folk and our ancestors knew and practised agriculture on a more human scale and from a more holistic approach; it is not only the yield that matters, but also the complex network of physical factors and human beings involved in an activity that is actually based on cultivating the life that feeds us.
Milk-women. Source: Ecclesiastical Historical Archive of Bizkaia: Sanctuary of Urkiola Collection.