Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Predominance of mono-pitched roofs. Artajona (N), 2010. Source: Segundo Oar-Arteta, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

The roof was originally erected prior to the walls, foundations and other constructive elements of the house.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Beans and broad beans were the most widely grown legumes and were traditionally an important part of the diet.
Broad bean podding. Source: Akaitze Kamiruaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Drawing of lots. Zeanuri (B), 1993. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Txirristi-mirristi, gerrena, plat, olio-zopa, kikili-salda, urrup edan edo klik, ikimilikiliklik. Drawing lots chant
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

No distinctions between beliefs and empirical cures in the traditional mindset.
Medals and religious charms. Source: Patxo Fernández de Jauregui, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Baptism. Bilbao. Source: Edurne Romarate, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

After giving birth, women would remain confined for a period that ended with the rite of being churched, elizan sartzea.
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

There were specific paths to carry the corpse from the house of the deceased to the church and the cemetery.
Funeral cortège, c. 1925. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
On the move to the summer pastures in Gorbeia, 2006. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Traditional shepherding and free-range livestock husbandry have prevailed on regions where these three requisites are satisfied: communal land, open-access rights, and free movibility for herds.
Agriculture in the Basque Country

Agriculture in the Basque Country

Our rural folk and our ancestors knew and practised agriculture on a more human scale and from a more holistic approach; it is not only the yield that matters, but also the complex network of physical factors and human beings involved in an activity that is actually based on cultivating the life that feeds us.
Milk-women. Source: Ecclesiastical Historical Archive of Bizkaia: Sanctuary of Urkiola Collection.