
Resumen Ganaderia y pastoreo en vasconia/en

30 bytes añadidos, 09:04 20 sep 2018
Página creada con «The following chapters (5-7) look at the sheds, stalls, yards and pens where larger and smaller cattle are kept, what they eat and their reproduction processes. In the area...»
The report itself takes a look at the traditional forms of cattle breeding and grazing in the mountains and fields of Vasconia. The early chapters (1-4) deal with the rearing of animals, their types and pedigrees, and the kind of treatment they receive from their keepers. Major differences between the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas were observed in both the animals reared and their habitats.
Los capítulos siguientes The following chapters (V5-VII7) están referidos a la ubicación del ganado mayor y menor en establos y corraleslook at the sheds, a su alimentación y a su reproducciónstalls, yards and pens where larger and smaller cattle are kept, what they eat and their reproduction processes. En la vertiente cantábrica el establo ha formado parte de la casaIn the area overlooking the Bay of Biscay, the stall actually formed part of the house, al tiempo que en la zona mediterránea el corral se sitúa independiente de ellawhile in the Mediterranean area the pen was usually independent of the living quarters.
Los capítulos centrales (VIII-XIV) estudian el ganado de monte, bien en estado libre o bien conducido en pastoreo. Aquí se describen extensamente el acceso a los pasturajes de altura, los establecimientos pastoriles en la montaña y sus características, las marcas de identificación que se imprimen a los animales y los diversos tipos de trashumancia en busca de pastos.
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