
Página creada con «There is a chapter on grass, which is more typical of the Atlantic side of the watershed and the transition zone to the Mediterranean-facing area, on the creation and upkee...»
Another chapter reflects the diversity of crops observed in the territory studied and the sowing or planting of the different plant species, basically grouped into cereals, legumes and vegetables. A difference is made between the crops used to feed humans and those used as animal feed. This takes into account that nothing was wasted in the traditional way of life, as the surplus food for human consumption and any leftovers were used in turn to feed livestock. The so-called industrial crops are also brought into the spotlight, where sugar beet is the best example. The care applied to ensure that they all grow successfully is covered as well. A subsequent chapter considers the harvesting of the crops and the traditional storage methods. The work to reap the cereals and the subsequent threshing and winnowing of the grain stand out here.
Se dedica un capítulo There is a la hierbachapter on grass, producción más propia de la vertiente atlántica y de la zona de transición a la mediterráneawhich is more typical of the Atlantic side of the watershed and the transition zone to the Mediterranean-facing area, a la creación y mantenimiento de los prados y al aprovechamiento de la hierba mediante pastoreoon the creation and upkeep of the meadows and the use of grass by means of grazing, siega en verde y henificaciónsilage and haymaking. Asimismo se registran los cambios acontecidos a raíz de la progresiva introducción de maquinariaThe changes that occurred due to the progressive introduction of machinery are also recorded.
En cuanto a los árboles frutales, se recoge un primer capítulo en que se abordan las diferencias en su cultivo, condicionadas por los distintos climas del territorio, cómo se lleva a cabo la plantación, el injertado de nuevas variedades, los cuidados de los árboles, destacando la poda, y la recolección y aprovechamiento de la fruta obtenida. El olivo y la vid merecen un capítulo aparte dada la importancia que tienen en la zona meridional de Vasconia. Se cierra este conjunto de capítulos de los árboles frutales con otro sobre la producción de aceite y vino en la vertiente mediterránea y de txakoli y sidra en la atlántica.
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