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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Línea 5: Línea 5:
===[ganaderia|Ganaderia y pastoreo en Vasconia|/atlas/ganaderia.png|Animal husbandry as a way of life rather than an economic opportunity: aspects related to domestic animals and the human-animal bond.]===
===[ganaderia|Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country|/atlas/ganaderia.png|Animal husbandry as a way of life rather than an economic opportunity: aspects related to domestic animals and the human-animal bond.]===
====[Ganaderia_y_pastoreo_en_vasconia | Ganaderia y pastoreo en Vasconia]====
====[Ganaderia_y_pastoreo_en_vasconia | Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Subida-a-los-pastos-del-Gorbeia-2006.jpg|On the move to the summer pastures in Gorbeia, 2006. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Traditional shepherding and free-range livestock husbandry have prevailed on regions where these three requisites are satisfied: communal land, open-access rights, and free movibility for herds.|]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Subida-a-los-pastos-del-Gorbeia-2006.jpg|On the move to the summer pastures in Gorbeia, 2006. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Traditional shepherding and free-range livestock husbandry have prevailed on regions where these three requisites are satisfied: communal land, open-access rights, and free movibility for herds.|]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Ovejas-latxas-de-cara-negra-Abadino.jpg|Dark-faced ''latxa'' sheep. Abadiño (B). Source: Rosa M.ª Ardanza, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The permanence of shepherding in the mountains of the Basque Country over centuries may help understand the fact that denominations given to diverse species of livestock, as well as to the implements used, form a distinguishing lexical corpus, independent from Indoeuropean languages.|]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Ovejas-latxas-de-cara-negra-Abadino.jpg|Dark-faced ''latxa'' sheep. Abadiño (B). Source: Rosa M.ª Ardanza, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The permanence of shepherding in the mountains of the Basque Country over centuries may help understand the fact that denominations given to diverse species of livestock, as well as to the implements used, form a distinguishing lexical corpus, independent from Indoeuropean languages.|]====
Línea 12: Línea 12:
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-de-Lanciego-subiendo-a-Tolono-1996.jpg|Shepherd from Lanciego (A) on the climb to Toloño, 1996. Source: José Ángel Chasco, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The Mediterranean watershed of the Basque Country was, and to a large extent is, characterized by the importance of the commons, the communal character of their exploitation by associations and brotherhoods comprising multiple municipalities still persisting today.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-de-Lanciego-subiendo-a-Tolono-1996.jpg|Shepherd from Lanciego (A) on the climb to Toloño, 1996. Source: José Ángel Chasco, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The Mediterranean watershed of the Basque Country was, and to a large extent is, characterized by the importance of the commons, the communal character of their exploitation by associations and brotherhoods comprising multiple municipalities still persisting today.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Establo-de-ovejas-moderno-Izurtza-2000.jpg|Modern stable for sheep. Izurtza (B), 2000. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.|The transformations that have taken place in the last few decades have fundamentally changed the world of livestock farming: no longer a way of life, it is now an economic activity.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Establo-de-ovejas-moderno-Izurtza-2000.jpg|Modern stable for sheep. Izurtza (B), 2000. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.|The transformations that have taken place in the last few decades have fundamentally changed the world of livestock farming: no longer a way of life, it is now an economic activity.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Oveja-negra-en-el-rebano-Meaga-Getaria.jpg|Black sheep in the flock. Meaga, Getaria (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|A black animal, and particularly a billy goat, was considered to protect the herd, flock or barn throughout the area surveyed.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Oveja-negra-en-el-rebano-Meaga-Getaria.jpg|Black sheep in the flock. Meaga, Getaria (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|A black animal, and particularly a billy goat, was considered to protect the herd, flock or barn throughout the area surveyed.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Cabras-con-cencerros-Anboto-1999.jpg|Goats wearing bells. Anboto (B), 1999. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.|Cowbells, in the same way as chimes, have been attributed with the power to protect the livestock from spells. Their use to protect against the evil eye, begizkoa, was very widespread in the past.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Cabras-con-cencerros-Anboto-1999.jpg|Goats wearing bells. Anboto (B), 1999. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.|Cowbells, in the same way as chimes, have been attributed with the power to protect the livestock from spells. Their use to protect against the evil eye, begizkoa, was very widespread in the past.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-con-kapusai-Eriete-1959.jpg|Shepherd wearing a cape. Eriete (N), 1959. Source: Archive of the Museum of Navarre: Nicolás Ardanaz Collection.|Nolako artzaina, halako artaldea. <br />''Every animal ends up looking like their master.''||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-con-kapusai-Eriete-1959.jpg|Shepherd wearing a cape. Eriete (N), 1959. Source: Archive of the Museum of Navarre: Nicolás Ardanaz Collection.|Nolako artzaina, halako artaldea. <br />''Every animal ends up looking like their master.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Bendicion-del-rebano-antes-de-la-partida.jpg|Blessing of the flock before departure. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Artaldearentzat artzain guti hobe ainitz baino. <br />''Too many cooks spoil the broth.''||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Bendicion-del-rebano-antes-de-la-partida.jpg|Blessing of the flock before departure. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Artaldearentzat artzain guti hobe ainitz baino. <br />''Too many cooks spoil the broth.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Esquilando-ovejas-por-el-sistema-tradicional-Carranza-1998.jpg|Traditional sheep shearing. Carranza (B), 1998. Source: Miguel Sabino Díaz, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Grullas p’arriba, pastor buena vida, <br />Grullas p’abajo, pastor más trabajo.<br /><br />''When cranes fly north, life is easier for shepherds, <br />when they fly south, work is harder for shepherds.''||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Esquilando-ovejas-por-el-sistema-tradicional-Carranza-1998.jpg|Esquilando ovejas por el sistema tradicional. Carranza (B), 1998. Fuente: Miguel Sabino Díaz, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Grullas p’arriba, pastor buena vida, Grullas p’abajo, pastor más trabajo.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Subida-al-monte-Aia-1998.jpg|Climb to the mountain. Aia (G), 1998. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|At the end of the Middle Ages, flocks in the Basque valleys converged on the same mountains that are now the main summer grassland used for grazing.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Subida-al-monte-Aia-1998.jpg|Subida al monte. Aia (G), 1998. Fuente: Antxon Aguirre, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|A finales de la Edad Media los rebaños de los valles vascos confluían a las mismas montañas que en nuestros días constituyen los principales puntos de concentración pastoril veraniega.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Dolmen-de-Gaxteenia-Mendibe-1980.jpg|Dolmen of Gaxteenia. Mendibe (NB), 1980. Source: Blot, Jacques. Artzainak. Les bergers basques. Los pastores vascos. Donostia: Elkar, 1984.|“The axial zone of the Basque Pyrenees retains underneath a maze of folds traits of a time-honoured culture.” <br />''J. M. Barandiaran''||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Dolmen-de-Gaxteenia-Mendibe-1980.jpg|Dolmen de Gaxteenia. Mendibe (NB), 1980. Fuente: Blot, Jacques. Artzainak. Les bergers basques. Los pastores vascos. San Sebastián: Elkar, 1984.|“La zona axial del Pirineo vasco retiene en el dédalo de sus pliegues ciertos rasgos de cultura de muy larga tradición”.
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastos-en-Carranza-2009.jpg|Grassy pastures in Carranza (B), 2009. Source: Luis Manuel Peña, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The priority of the right of herds to cross arable land is expressed in the sentence: ''soroak zor dio larreari'' ‘arable land is indebted to grassland’.||]====
J. M. Barandiaran||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastos-en-Carranza-2009.jpg|Pastos en Carranza (B), 2009. Fuente: Luis Manuel Peña, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|La prioridad del derecho de circulación de los rebaños sobre el labrantío está expresada en la sentencia: soroak zor dio larreari ‘la tierra labrada está en deuda con el pastizal’.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Vacas-en-prados-comunales-Carranza-2007.jpg|Cattle on common pastures. Carranza (B), 2007. Source: Luis Manuel Peña, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Communities in areas where livestock has been the fundamental basis of their way of life consider Saint Anthony Abbot as the main protector of the health and fertility of the animals.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Vacas-en-prados-comunales-Carranza-2007.jpg|Vacas en prados comunales. Carranza (B), 2007. Fuente: Luis Manuel Peña, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Las poblaciones asentadas en zonas donde la ganadería ha sido base fundamental de su modo de vida consideran a san Antonio Abad principal protector de la salud y de la fertilidad de los animales.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-y-espaldero-Canada-de-los-Roncaleses-1996.jpg|Herder and dog. Droveway of the Roncalese (N), 1996. Source: Iñaki San Miguel, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|The introduction of sheepdogs meant they replaced the zagales, young children who had been in charge of herding the flock up to then.||]====
====[/atlas/ganaderia/Pastor-y-espaldero-Canada-de-los-Roncaleses-1996.jpg|Pastor y espaldero. Cañada de los Roncaleses (N), 1996. Fuente: Iñaki San Miguel, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|La introducción de perros pastores supuso el desplazamiento de los zagales, niños de corta edad encargados hasta entonces de la conducción y guía del rebaño.||ENLACE]====
===Outstanding contents===
====[/images/thumb/1/12/3.84_Vaca_y_su_cria._Lasa_(BN)_2000.jpg/1200px-3.84_Vaca_y_su_cria._Lasa_(BN)_2000.jpg|Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country|Feeding of stabled livestock|[[ALIMENTACION_DEL_GANADO_ESTABULADO/en]]]====
====[/images/thumb/2/22/3.171_Illorra_Oidui_Aralar_(G).jpg/1200px-3.171_Illorra_Oidui_Aralar_(G).jpg|Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country|Common pasture land|[[PASTOS_COMUNALES/en]]]====
====[/images/thumb/e/e8/3.304_Matoia_estutzen._Aralar_(G)_1982.jpg/1200px-3.304_Matoia_estutzen._Aralar_(G)_1982.jpg|Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country|Cheese making|[[LA_FABRICACION_DEL_QUESO._GAZTAGINTZA/en]]]====
====[/images/thumb/0/02/3.356_Colmenar_en_Lasa_(BN).jpg/1200px-3.356_Colmenar_en_Lasa_(BN).jpg|Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country|Bees|[[LAS_ABEJAS._ERLEA/en]]]====
{{DISPLAYTITLE: Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country}} {{#bookTitle:Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country | Ganaderia_y_pastoreo_en_vasconia/en}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country}} {{#bookTitle:Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country | Ganaderia_y_pastoreo_en_vasconia/en}}

Revisión actual del 13:57 20 feb 2020

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Animal husbandry as a way of life rather than an economic opportunity: aspects related to domestic animals and the human-animal bond.
Grazing in Eneabe. Zeanuri (B), 1996. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.
Dark-faced latxa sheep. Abadiño (B). Source: Rosa M.ª Ardanza, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Black sheep in the flock. Meaga, Getaria (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.