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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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(Página creada con «Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre...»)
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Línea 8: Línea 8:
Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.
Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.
La elaboración de la obra, así como su redacción, ha sido llevada a cabo en el Departamento de Etnografía del Instituto Labayru. Su contenido se basa, primordialmente, en los datos obtenidos de la investigación propia de campo referida a la casa rural tradicional y al mobiliario y enseres que la adornan, sin excluir la casa de núcleos urbanos como las villas y las casas de pescadores. Se trata de un estudio etnográfico y no arquitectónico aunque también se tenga en cuenta este aspecto. Se complementa con el análisis de la familia que la habita porque la labor investigadora no descansa en elementos vacíos sino llenos de vida, y las casas cumplen una función y están organizadas para responder a un modo de vida agrícola-ganadero principalmente.
The work was collated and written up at the Department of Ethnography at the Labayru Institute. The content is based primordially on the data obtained during fieldwork on traditional rural houses and their accompanying furniture and goods; even so, houses in urban areas and fishermen’s houses were not excluded. Although this is an ethnographic rather than an architectural study, the buildings themselves are also taken into account. Also provided is a study of the family living there, because research work is about life, not empty spaces; houses fulfil a function and are organized to respond principally to an agricultural and cattle-breeding and tending lifestyle.
La obra está estructurada en veintiún capítulos. Tras el preámbulo que sirve de pórtico, la publicación se abre con tres capítulos dedicados respectivamente a las distintas formas de poblamiento del territorio, la relación de la casa con el suelo, el clima y la actividad, y la denominación, orientación y situación de las casas.
La obra está estructurada en veintiún capítulos. Tras el preámbulo que sirve de pórtico, la publicación se abre con tres capítulos dedicados respectivamente a las distintas formas de poblamiento del territorio, la relación de la casa con el suelo, el clima y la actividad, y la denominación, orientación y situación de las casas.

Revisión del 13:54 4 may 2017

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Casa y familia en Vasconia (House and Family in Vasconia) is the result of ethnographic research by the Etniker Euskalerria groups directed by Ander Manterola. The book is the seventh contribution to the Ethnographic Atlas designed and launched by José Miguel de Barandiaran. Previous publications are Food At Home (1990, republished 1999), Children’s Games (1993), Funeral Rites (1995), Rites: From Birth To Marriage (1998), Livestock and Grazing (2000) and Popular Medicine (2004).

The Ethnographic Atlas looks at people in Vasconia from the viewpoint of traditional culture as recorded throughout the 20th and the early years of the 21st century, and attempts to gauge the transformations affecting that culture.

Fieldwork was performed in what we call Vasconia, on the western edge of Europe, which occupies an area from the French river Adour in the north to the Spanish river Ebro in the south. Part of Vasconia is in Spain (the regions of the Basque Country and Navarra) and part in the French Department of the Atlantic Pyrenees. In all, it covers 20,531 square kilometres with a population of 3,099,723 (2010 census for Spanish Vasconia and 2008 for French Vasconia).

Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.

The work was collated and written up at the Department of Ethnography at the Labayru Institute. The content is based primordially on the data obtained during fieldwork on traditional rural houses and their accompanying furniture and goods; even so, houses in urban areas and fishermen’s houses were not excluded. Although this is an ethnographic rather than an architectural study, the buildings themselves are also taken into account. Also provided is a study of the family living there, because research work is about life, not empty spaces; houses fulfil a function and are organized to respond principally to an agricultural and cattle-breeding and tending lifestyle.

La obra está estructurada en veintiún capítulos. Tras el preámbulo que sirve de pórtico, la publicación se abre con tres capítulos dedicados respectivamente a las distintas formas de poblamiento del territorio, la relación de la casa con el suelo, el clima y la actividad, y la denominación, orientación y situación de las casas.

Los seis capítulos siguientes se ocupan de la estructura de la casa. El primero de ellos describe modelos de casas de un número representativo de comarcas de las distintas regiones, los tres siguientes analizan pormenorizadamente los distintos tipos de tejados, los cimientos y paredes, las puertas y ventanas. El siguiente se ocupa de la distribución interna, acompañada de los correspondientes planos, para terminar con los elementos ornamentales.

El hogar como centro de la casa y de la vivienda, la cocina y los sistemas de alumbrado son objeto de tratamiento particular. Los enseres, el equipo mobiliar y el ajuar de sala, dormitorios y aseo, y la limpieza de casa, ropa y vajilla son temas tratados específicamente. Un capítulo está dedicado a las construcciones complementarias de la casa y los espacios destinados a las labores agrícola-ganaderas. Los ritos realizados en torno al fuego doméstico y los símbolos protectores de la casa son objeto de atención en sendos capítulos creenciales.

Los cinco apartados reservados a la familia describen a ésta y las relaciones de parentesco, el patrimonio y sus modos de transmisión, la vida y funciones de los esposos, y el honor familiar y la formas de defenderlo.

Tanto este volumen como los anteriores cuentan con un capítulo introductorio que explica el proyecto y la metodología de la obra, los datos sobre el medio natural y humano, los datos geográficos de las localidades encuestadas, la bibliografía utilizada y consultada, e índices temático y analítico.