Diferencia entre revisiones de «Indice Agricultura en vasconia/en»

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Línea 19: Línea 19:
=== [[Clases_calidad_y_cultivos_de_las_tierras|Land types, quality and crops]] ===
=== [[Clases_calidad_y_cultivos_de_las_tierras|Land types, quality and crops]] ===
==== [[Consideraciones_generales1|General points]] ====
*[[Consideraciones_generales1|General points]]
==== [[Clases_de_tierra_lur_motak|Types of land]] ====
*[[Clases_de_tierra_lur_motak|Types of land]]
==== [[Roturacion_de_la_tierra|Ploughing the land]] ====
*[[Roturacion_de_la_tierra|Ploughing the land]]
==== [[Primera_roturacion|First ploughing]] ====
*[[Primera_roturacion|First ploughing]]
**On common land
**On common land
**On private property
**On private property
==== [[Cultivos|Crops]] ====
==== [[Regadio|Irrigation]] ====
=== [[Denominaciones_y_descripcion_de_las_tierras_explotadas|Names and description of the farmed land]] ===
=== [[Denominaciones_y_descripcion_de_las_tierras_explotadas|Names and description of the farmed land]] ===
==== [[Denominaciones_castellanas_y_descripciones|Spanish names and descriptions]] ====
*[[Denominaciones_castellanas_y_descripciones|Spanish names and descriptions]]
==== [[Denominaciones_euskericas_y_descripciones|Basque names and descriptions]] ====
*[[Denominaciones_euskericas_y_descripciones|Basque names and descriptions]]
=== [[Dimensiones_de_las_parcelas|Sizes of the plots]] ===
=== [[Dimensiones_de_las_parcelas|Sizes of the plots]] ===
==== [[La_concentracion_parcelaria|Land consolidation]] ====
*[[La_concentracion_parcelaria|Land consolidation]]
=== [[Situacion_y_separacion_entre_heredades|Situation and separation between fields]] ===
=== [[Situacion_y_separacion_entre_heredades|Situation and separation between fields]] ===
==== [[Cerramientos_de_muros_de_piedra._Itxiturak|Stone walls]] ====
*[[Cerramientos_de_muros_de_piedra._Itxiturak|Stone walls]]
==== [[Heredades_predominantemente_abiertas|Predominantly open fields]] ====
*[[Heredades_predominantemente_abiertas|Predominantly open fields]]
==== [[Cerramientos_actuales|Existing enclosures]] ====
*[[Cerramientos_actuales|Existing enclosures]]
==== [[Amojonamiento._Mugarriak|Marking of boundaries]] ====
*[[Amojonamiento._Mugarriak|Marking of boundaries]]
==== [[Lindes_naturales|Natural boundaries]] ====
*[[Lindes_naturales|Natural boundaries]]
=== [[Caminos_vecinales_auzobideak|Local roads]] ===
=== [[Caminos_vecinales_auzobideak|Local roads]] ===
Línea 69: Línea 69:
=== [[Consideraciones_generales2|General points]] ===
=== [[Consideraciones_generales2|General points]] ===
==== [[Dias_y_periodos_de_cultivo|Growth periods and days]] ====
*[[Dias_y_periodos_de_cultivo|Growth periods and days]]
==== [[Influencia_de_la_luna|Influence of the moon]] ====
*[[Influencia_de_la_luna|Influence of the moon]]
=== [[Distribucion_de_los_cultivos_en_los_distintos_tipos_de_heredades|Crop distribution in the different types of fields]] ===
=== [[Distribucion_de_los_cultivos_en_los_distintos_tipos_de_heredades|Crop distribution in the different types of fields]] ===
Línea 79: Línea 79:
=== [[Calendario_agricola|Farming year]] ===
=== [[Calendario_agricola|Farming year]] ===
==== [[Vertiente_mediterranea_de_Alava|Álava Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_mediterranea_de_Alava|Álava Mediterranean watershed]]
==== [[Vertiente_mediterranea_de_Navarra|Navarra Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_mediterranea_de_Navarra|Navarra Mediterranean watershed]]
==== [[Vertiente_atlantica|Atlantic watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_atlantica|Atlantic watershed]]
==== [[Ciclo_de_cada_cultivo|Cycle of each crop]] ====
*[[Ciclo_de_cada_cultivo|Cycle of each crop]]
=== [[Las_semillas_haziak|Seeds]] ===
=== [[Las_semillas_haziak|Seeds]] ===
==== [[Seleccion_de_semillas|Seed selection]] ====
*[[Seleccion_de_semillas|Seed selection]]
==== [[Obtencion_y_conservacion_de_semillas|Obtaining and preserving seeds]] ====
*[[Obtencion_y_conservacion_de_semillas|Obtaining and preserving seeds]]
==== [[Preparacion_de_semillas_para_la_siembra|Preparing seeds for sowing]] ====
*[[Preparacion_de_semillas_para_la_siembra|Preparing seeds for sowing]]
==== [[Preparacion_de_semilleros_o_sementeras|Preparing seedbeds or sowings]] ====
*[[Preparacion_de_semilleros_o_sementeras|Preparing seedbeds or sowings]]
=== [[Apendice_Refranes_relacionados_con_la_agricultura._Esaerak|Appendix: Sayings to do with agriculture]] ===
=== [[Apendice_Refranes_relacionados_con_la_agricultura._Esaerak|Appendix: Sayings to do with agriculture]] ===
Línea 104: Línea 104:
=== [[Primera_roturacion_de_un_terreno|First ploughing of a piece of land]] ===
=== [[Primera_roturacion_de_un_terreno|First ploughing of a piece of land]] ===
==== [[Roturacion_de_monte_bajo_o_con_arbolado|Ploughing scrubland or woodland]] ====
*[[Roturacion_de_monte_bajo_o_con_arbolado|Ploughing scrubland or woodland]]
==== [[Roturacion_de_terrenos_de_pasto|Ploughing pastureland]] ====
*[[Roturacion_de_terrenos_de_pasto|Ploughing pastureland]]
==== [[Tecnicas_modernas|Modern techniques]] ====
*[[Tecnicas_modernas|Modern techniques]]
=== [[La_tierra_de_labor|Arable land]] ===
=== [[La_tierra_de_labor|Arable land]] ===
==== [[Preparacion_de_tierras_en_barbecho|Preparing the fallow land]] ====
*[[Preparacion_de_tierras_en_barbecho|Preparing the fallow land]]
==== [[Preparacion_de_las_tierras_de_cultivo|Preparing the cultivated land]] ====
*[[Preparacion_de_las_tierras_de_cultivo|Preparing the cultivated land]]
**The Mediterranean side of the watershed
**The Mediterranean side of the watershed
Línea 121: Línea 121:
=== [[El_abonado|Fertilising]] ===
=== [[El_abonado|Fertilising]] ===
==== [[Estiercol|Manure]] ====
**Mediterranean watershed  
**Mediterranean watershed  
**Atlantic watershed
**Atlantic watershed
==== [[Abonos_minerales_y_de_sintesis|Mineral and synthetic fertilisers]] ====
*[[Abonos_minerales_y_de_sintesis|Mineral and synthetic fertilisers]]
**Mediterranean watershed
**Mediterranean watershed
**Atlantic watershed
**Atlantic watershed
==== [[Compost_y_abonos_verdes|Compost and organic fertilisers]] ====
*[[Compost_y_abonos_verdes|Compost and organic fertilisers]]
=== [[El_uso_de_la_ceniza_errautsa|Use of ash]] ===
=== [[El_uso_de_la_ceniza_errautsa|Use of ash]] ===
Línea 137: Línea 137:
=== [[El_encalado|Liming]] ===
=== [[El_encalado|Liming]] ===
==== [[Produccion_de_cal._Kareharria|Lime production]] ====
*[[Produccion_de_cal._Kareharria|Lime production]]
==== [[Uso_agricola_de_la_cal|Agricultural use of lime]] ====
*[[Uso_agricola_de_la_cal|Agricultural use of lime]]
Línea 150: Línea 150:
=== [[Cultivos_para_consumo_humano|Crops for human consumption]] ===
=== [[Cultivos_para_consumo_humano|Crops for human consumption]] ===
==== [[Cereales|Cereals]] ====
Línea 159: Línea 159:
==== [[Legumbres_ortuariak|Pulses and beans]] ====
*[[Legumbres_ortuariak|Pulses and beans]]
Línea 166: Línea 166:
**Chickpeas, lentils and ''aizkol''
**Chickpeas, lentils and ''aizkol''
==== [[Hortalizas_subterraneas|Underground vegetables]] ====
*[[Hortalizas_subterraneas|Underground vegetables]]
**Roots: carrot, parsley and beetroot
**Roots: carrot, parsley and beetroot
Línea 180: Línea 180:
==== [[Hortalizas_aereas|Above ground vegetables]] ====
*[[Hortalizas_aereas|Above ground vegetables]]
Línea 199: Línea 199:
==== [[Plantas_medicinales|Medicinal plants]] ====
*[[Plantas_medicinales|Medicinal plants]]
==== [[Drogas|Drugs]] ====
Línea 214: Línea 214:
=== [[Cultivos_para_el_ganado|Crops for livestock]] ===
=== [[Cultivos_para_el_ganado|Crops for livestock]] ===
==== [[Cereales2|Cereals]] ====
Línea 221: Línea 221:
==== [[Leguminosas|Legumes]] ====
==== [[Menucias|Small fruit]] ====
*[[Menucias|Small fruit]]
==== [[Hortalizas_forrajeras|Forage vegetables]] ====
*[[Hortalizas_forrajeras|Forage vegetables]]
Línea 234: Línea 234:
=== [[Cultivos_industriales|Industrial crops]] ===
=== [[Cultivos_industriales|Industrial crops]] ===
==== [[Remolacha_azucarera|Sugar beet]] ====
*[[Remolacha_azucarera|Sugar beet]]
==== [[Patata|Potato]] ====
==== [[Hortalizas2|Vegetables]] ====
==== [[Otros_cultivos|Other crops]] ====
*[[Otros_cultivos|Other crops]]
==== [[Setas2|Mushrooms]] ====
=== [[Cultivo_de_plantas_ornamentales|Ornamental plant crops]] ===
=== [[Cultivo_de_plantas_ornamentales|Ornamental plant crops]] ===
Línea 248: Línea 248:
=== [[Cuidados_de_los_cultivos|Caring for the crops]] ===
=== [[Cuidados_de_los_cultivos|Caring for the crops]] ===
==== [[Escarda_jorra|Weeding]] ====
Línea 255: Línea 255:
==== [[Uso_de_plaguicidas|Use of pesticides]] ====
*[[Uso_de_plaguicidas|Use of pesticides]]
==== [[Abonado_del_cereal|Fertilising cereals]] ====
*[[Abonado_del_cereal|Fertilising cereals]]
==== [[Riego|Irrigation]] ====
Línea 266: Línea 266:
=== [[Recoleccion_de_cultivos_para_consumo_humano|Harvesting crops for human consumption]] ===
=== [[Recoleccion_de_cultivos_para_consumo_humano|Harvesting crops for human consumption]] ===
==== [[Evolucion_de_la_siega_y_trilla_de_cereales|Evolution of reaping and threshing cereals]] ====
*[[Evolucion_de_la_siega_y_trilla_de_cereales|Evolution of reaping and threshing cereals]]
**Álava Mediterranean watershed: reaping, hauling, threshing, tossing, storing grain and straw;  harvesting today and baling
**Álava Mediterranean watershed: reaping, hauling, threshing, tossing, storing grain and straw;  harvesting today and baling
Línea 273: Línea 273:
**Harvesting cereal today
**Harvesting cereal today
==== [[Maiz_artoa|Corn]] ====
==== [[Legumbres_ortuariak_rec|Pulses and beans]] ====
*[[Legumbres_ortuariak_rec|Pulses and beans]]
**Beans and pods
**Beans and pods
Línea 282: Línea 282:
**Chickpeas and lentils
**Chickpeas and lentils
==== [[Hortalizas_subterraneas_rec|Underground vegetables]] ====
*[[Hortalizas_subterraneas_rec|Underground vegetables]]
Línea 294: Línea 294:
* [[Cereales_rec_ganado|Cereals]]  
* [[Cereales_rec_ganado|Cereals]]  
==== [[Hortalizas_forrajeras_rec_ganado|Forage vegetables]] ====
*[[Hortalizas_forrajeras_rec_ganado|Forage vegetables]]
Línea 305: Línea 305:
=== [[Molinos_harineros_errotak|Flour mills]] ===
=== [[Molinos_harineros_errotak|Flour mills]] ===
==== [[Introduccion|Introduction]] ====
==== [[Tipos_de_molino_errota_motak|Mill types]] ====
*[[Tipos_de_molino_errota_motak|Mill types]]
==== [[Molinos_en_las_poblaciones_encuestadas|Mills in the surveyed populations]] ====
*[[Molinos_en_las_poblaciones_encuestadas|Mills in the surveyed populations]]
Línea 316: Línea 316:
==== [[Decadencia_de_los_molinos|Decline of the mills]] ====
*[[Decadencia_de_los_molinos|Decline of the mills]]
==== [[Los_componentes_de_un_molino_harinero|The components of a flour mill]] ====
*[[Los_componentes_de_un_molino_harinero|The components of a flour mill]]
==== [[La_molienda_ehotzea|Milling]] ====
==== [[Calendario_del_molino|Milling year]] ====
*[[Calendario_del_molino|Milling year]]
==== [[Molinos_vecinales_o_comunales|Communal and neighbourhood mills]] ====
*[[Molinos_vecinales_o_comunales|Communal and neighbourhood mills]]
Línea 331: Línea 331:
=== [[La_hierba_en_la_cultura_tradicional|Grass in the traditional culture]] ===
=== [[La_hierba_en_la_cultura_tradicional|Grass in the traditional culture]] ===
==== [[Creacion_y_mantenimiento_de_prados|Meadow creation and upkeep]] ====
*[[Creacion_y_mantenimiento_de_prados|Meadow creation and upkeep]]
**Enclosing, ploughing and cultivation
**Enclosing, ploughing and cultivation
==== [[Aprovechamiento|Use]] ====
Línea 353: Línea 353:
=== [[La_transformacion_de_los_años_1960|Changes in the 1960s]] ===
=== [[La_transformacion_de_los_años_1960|Changes in the 1960s]] ===
==== [[Ensilado|Silage]] ====
==== [[Siega_mecanica|Mechanical harvesting]] ====
*[[Siega_mecanica|Mechanical harvesting]]
==== [[Los_primeros_tractores|The first tractors]] ====
*[[Los_primeros_tractores|The first tractors]]
==== [[Enfardado|Baling]] ====
=== [[Mecanizacion_progresiva|Progressive mechanisation]] ===
=== [[Mecanizacion_progresiva|Progressive mechanisation]] ===
Línea 365: Línea 365:
==== [[Mecanizacion_de_la_recoleccion_de_la_hierba|Mechanisation of grass harvesting]] ====
==== [[Mecanizacion_de_la_recoleccion_de_la_hierba|Mechanisation of grass harvesting]] ====
==== [[Cambios_en_la_ganaderia_asociados_a_la_mecanizacion|Changes in livestock farming associated with mechanisation]] ====
*[[Cambios_en_la_ganaderia_asociados_a_la_mecanizacion|Changes in livestock farming associated with mechanisation]]
==== [[Incremento_de_la_produccion_de_hierba|Increased grass production]] ====
*[[Incremento_de_la_produccion_de_hierba|Increased grass production]]
==== [[Ultimas_modificaciones_en_la_alimentacion_de_las_vacas|Latest modifications to cattle feeding]] ====
*[[Ultimas_modificaciones_en_la_alimentacion_de_las_vacas|Latest modifications to cattle feeding]]
==== [[Transformaciones_vinculadas_a_la_crisis_ganadera|Changes linked to the livestock crisis]] ====
*[[Transformaciones_vinculadas_a_la_crisis_ganadera|Changes linked to the livestock crisis]]
=== [[Cultivo_de_hierba_en_el_area_mediterranea|Growing grass on the Mediterranean side of the watershed]] ===
=== [[Cultivo_de_hierba_en_el_area_mediterranea|Growing grass on the Mediterranean side of the watershed]] ===
Línea 377: Línea 377:
=== [[Otros_forrajes|Other forage]] ===
=== [[Otros_forrajes|Other forage]] ===
==== [[Area_atlantica|The Atlantic side of the watershed]] ====
*[[Area_atlantica|The Atlantic side of the watershed]]
==== [[Area_mediterranea|The Mediterranean side of the watershed]] ====
*[[Area_mediterranea|The Mediterranean side of the watershed]]
Línea 390: Línea 390:
=== [[Terrenos_de_cultivo|Cropland]] ===
=== [[Terrenos_de_cultivo|Cropland]] ===
==== [[Clases_de_lino_y_epoca_de_siembra_ereitea|Types of flax and sowing season]] ====
*[[Clases_de_lino_y_epoca_de_siembra_ereitea|Types of flax and sowing season]]
=== [[Proceso_de_elaboracion|Production process]] ===
=== [[Proceso_de_elaboracion|Production process]] ===
==== [[Arranque_y_ablandamiento_ateratzea_eta_beratzea|Pulling up and softening]] ====
*[[Arranque_y_ablandamiento_ateratzea_eta_beratzea|Pulling up and softening]]
==== [[Desespigar_garramatu_azkarbaketa|Threshing flax seeds]] ====
*[[Desespigar_garramatu_azkarbaketa|Threshing flax seeds]]
==== [[El_empozado_del_lino_lihoa_urtaratu|Soaking flax]] ====
*[[El_empozado_del_lino_lihoa_urtaratu|Soaking flax]]
=== [[Tratamiento_de_las_hebras_linugintza|Treating the strands]] ===
=== [[Tratamiento_de_las_hebras_linugintza|Treating the strands]] ===
==== [[Mazado_linarriketa|Breaking]] ====
==== [[Golpeo_en_la_agramadera_trankaketa|Scrutching in the scrutcher]] ====
*[[Golpeo_en_la_agramadera_trankaketa|Scrutching in the scrutcher]]
==== [[Raido_suasketa|Heckling]] ====
==== [[Espadeo_ezpataz_jo|Distaff]] ====
==== [[La_carda_txarrasketa|Teasing]] ====
=== [[Hilado_harigintza|Spinning]] ===
=== [[Hilado_harigintza|Spinning]] ===
==== [[La_rueca._Goruetan|Spinning wheel]] ====
*[[La_rueca._Goruetan|Spinning wheel]]
==== [[El_huso_ardatza|Spindle]] ====
==== [[Madejado_matazak_egitea|Skeining]] ====
=== [[Blanqueo._Egozketa|Bleaching]] ===
=== [[Blanqueo._Egozketa|Bleaching]] ===
Línea 439: Línea 439:
=== [[Cultivo_de_arboles_frutales|Growing fruit trees]] ===
=== [[Cultivo_de_arboles_frutales|Growing fruit trees]] ===
==== [[Vertiente_mediterranea1|Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_mediterranea1|Mediterranean watershed]]
==== [[Vertiente_atlantica1|Atlantic watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_atlantica1|Atlantic watershed]]
=== [[Plantacion_y_adquisicion_de_arboles|Planting and acquiring trees]] ===
=== [[Plantacion_y_adquisicion_de_arboles|Planting and acquiring trees]] ===
Línea 456: Línea 456:
=== [[El_olivo_olibondoa|The olive]] ===
=== [[El_olivo_olibondoa|The olive]] ===
==== [[Zonas_olivareras|Olive-growing areas]] ====
*[[Zonas_olivareras|Olive-growing areas]]
==== [[Plantacion|Planting]] ====
==== [[Variedades_que_se_plantan|Varieties that are planted]] ====
*[[Variedades_que_se_plantan|Varieties that are planted]]
==== [[Cuidados1|Care]] ====
Línea 490: Línea 490:
==== [[Trasplante|Transplanting]] ====
=== [[La_vid_mahatsondoa|Vines]] ===
=== [[La_vid_mahatsondoa|Vines]] ===
==== [[Antecedentes_historicos1|Historical background]] ====
*[[Antecedentes_historicos1|Historical background]]
==== [[Cultivo_tradicional_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Traditional vine growing on the Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Cultivo_tradicional_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Traditional vine growing on the Mediterranean watershed]]
Línea 510: Línea 510:
**Other tasks
**Other tasks
==== [[Cultivo_actual_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Vine growing today on the Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Cultivo_actual_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Vine growing today on the Mediterranean watershed]]
**Preparing the land
**Preparing the land
Línea 528: Línea 528:
==== [[Cultivo_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_atlantica._Txakolina|Vine growing on the Atlantic watershed. ''Txakolina'']] ====
*[[Cultivo_de_la_vid_en_la_vertiente_atlantica._Txakolina|Vine growing on the Atlantic watershed. ''Txakolina'']]
**Traditional vine growing
**Traditional vine growing
Línea 539: Línea 539:
=== [[Aceite_olioa|Oil]] ===
=== [[Aceite_olioa|Oil]] ===
==== [[Recoleccion_de_la_oliva|Harvesting the olives]] ====
*[[Recoleccion_de_la_oliva|Harvesting the olives]]
**Time of year
**Time of year
==== [[Limpieza_de_la_oliva|Cleaning the olives]] ====
*[[Limpieza_de_la_oliva|Cleaning the olives]]
==== [[Elaboracion_del_aceite_de_oliva|Making olive oil]] ====
*[[Elaboracion_del_aceite_de_oliva|Making olive oil]]
**Time of year
**Time of year
Línea 563: Línea 563:
**Other applications: soap and a medicated paste made of wax and oil
**Other applications: soap and a medicated paste made of wax and oil
==== [[Reforma_del_trujal_La_Equidad_Moreda_(A)|Refurbishment of the La Equidad olive oil press, Moreda (A)]] ====
*[[Reforma_del_trujal_La_Equidad_Moreda_(A)|Refurbishment of the La Equidad olive oil press, Moreda (A)]]
==== [[Clasificacion_de_los_trujales|Classification of the olive oil presses]] ====
*[[Clasificacion_de_los_trujales|Classification of the olive oil presses]]
**Manual olive oil presses  
**Manual olive oil presses  
Línea 574: Línea 574:
=== [[Apendices_Trujales_antiguos_de_Moreda_(A)|Appendices: Moreda (A) traditional olive oil presses]] ===
=== [[Apendices_Trujales_antiguos_de_Moreda_(A)|Appendices: Moreda (A) traditional olive oil presses]] ===
==== [[Trujal_del_Reten_de_la_Iglesia|Retén de la Iglesia olive oil press]] ====
*[[Trujal_del_Reten_de_la_Iglesia|Retén de la Iglesia olive oil press]]
==== [[Trujal_de_Tomas_Laguardia|Tomás Laguardia olive oil press]] ====
*[[Trujal_de_Tomas_Laguardia|Tomás Laguardia olive oil press]]
=== [[Vino_ardoa|Wine]] ===
=== [[Vino_ardoa|Wine]] ===
==== [[Vendimia_tradicional_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Traditional grape harvest on the Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vendimia_tradicional_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|Traditional grape harvest on the Mediterranean watershed]]
**Wine making
**Wine making
Línea 592: Línea 592:
**''Garapitero'' or wine duty collector
**''Garapitero'' or wine duty collector
==== [[Vendimia_actual_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|The grape harvest today on the Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vendimia_actual_en_la_vertiente_mediterranea|The grape harvest today on the Mediterranean watershed]]
**Wine making in industrial wineries
**Wine making in industrial wineries
Línea 600: Línea 600:
***Bordeaux system. Sorting, destemming and crushing method
***Bordeaux system. Sorting, destemming and crushing method
==== [[Otras_bebidas|Other beverages]] ====
*[[Otras_bebidas|Other beverages]]
=== [[Txakoli|Txakoli]] ===
=== [[Txakoli|Txakoli]] ===
==== [[Vendimia_mahats-biltzea_mahats-batzea|Grape harvest]] ====
*[[Vendimia_mahats-biltzea_mahats-batzea|Grape harvest]]
==== [[Prensado_lagar_dolarea|Pressing: the wine press]] ====
*[[Prensado_lagar_dolarea|Pressing: the wine press]]
==== [[Transformaciones_contemporaneas|Contemporary changes]] ====
*[[Transformaciones_contemporaneas|Contemporary changes]]
==== [[Consejos_reguladores_y_denominaciones_de_origen._Jatorri_izenak|Regulatory boards and denominations of origin]] ====
*[[Consejos_reguladores_y_denominaciones_de_origen._Jatorri_izenak|Regulatory boards and denominations of origin]]
=== [[Sidra_sagardoa|Cider]] ===
=== [[Sidra_sagardoa|Cider]] ===
==== [[Antecedentes_historicos2|Historical background]] ====
*[[Antecedentes_historicos2|Historical background]]
==== [[La_manzana_y_su_cultivo|Apples and their growing]] ====
*[[La_manzana_y_su_cultivo|Apples and their growing]]
==== [[Plagas_y_enfermedades_del_manzano|Apple diseases and pests]] ====
*[[Plagas_y_enfermedades_del_manzano|Apple diseases and pests]]
==== [[Elaboracion_de_la_sidra._Sagardogintza|Cider making]] ====
*[[Elaboracion_de_la_sidra._Sagardogintza|Cider making]]
Línea 629: Línea 629:
==== [[Alteraciones_de_la_sidra|Changes to the cider]] ====
*[[Alteraciones_de_la_sidra|Changes to the cider]]
Línea 637: Línea 637:
**Other changes to the cider
**Other changes to the cider
==== [[Manifestaciones_festivas_y_culturales_asociadas_a_la_sidra._Sagardotegiak|Cultural and festive events associated with cider]] ====
*[[Manifestaciones_festivas_y_culturales_asociadas_a_la_sidra._Sagardotegiak|Cultural and festive events associated with cider]]
==== [[Bebidas_derivadas_de_la_sidra|Drinks from cider]] ====
*[[Bebidas_derivadas_de_la_sidra|Drinks from cider]]
=== [[Apendice_1_Regulacion_de_una_bodega_cooperativa|Appendix 1: Regulations of a cooperative winery]] ===
=== [[Apendice_1_Regulacion_de_una_bodega_cooperativa|Appendix 1: Regulations of a cooperative winery]] ===
Línea 652: Línea 652:
=== [[Aperos_para_trabajar_la_tierra|Implements for working the land]] ===
=== [[Aperos_para_trabajar_la_tierra|Implements for working the land]] ===
==== [[Layas_laiak|Spades]] ====
==== [[Azada_aitzurra_y_sus_clases|Hoes and their types]] ====
*[[Azada_aitzurra_y_sus_clases|Hoes and their types]]
**Hay hooks  
**Hay hooks  
Línea 662: Línea 662:
=== [[Aperos_de_arrastre_para_trabajar_la_tierra|Pull-type implements to work the land]] ===
=== [[Aperos_de_arrastre_para_trabajar_la_tierra|Pull-type implements to work the land]] ===
==== [[El_arado_goldea|The plough]] ====
*[[El_arado_goldea|The plough]]
==== [[El_arado_en_Vasconia_continental|The plough in the Northern Basque Country]] ====
*[[El_arado_en_Vasconia_continental|The plough in the Northern Basque Country]]
Línea 674: Línea 674:
**Swivel plough
**Swivel plough
==== [[El_arado_en_Vasconia_peninsular|The plough in the Southern Basque Country (lying within Spain)]] ====
*[[El_arado_en_Vasconia_peninsular|The plough in the Southern Basque Country (lying within Spain)]]
**Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia
**Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia
Línea 688: Línea 688:
=== [[Aperos_para_desmenuzar_y_alisar_la_tierra|Implements to break up and smooth the soil]] ===
=== [[Aperos_para_desmenuzar_y_alisar_la_tierra|Implements to break up and smooth the soil]] ===
==== [[Rastras._Zaranda|Rakes. ''Zaranda'']] ====
*[[Rastras._Zaranda|Rakes. ''Zaranda'']]
==== [[Area_are_handia|Aerator, ''are handia'']] ====
*[[Area_are_handia|Aerator, ''are handia'']]
==== [[Arralda._Hesia._Trapa._Narria|''Arralda''. ''Hesia''. ''Trapa''. ''Narria''. Digging implements]] ====
*[[Arralda._Hesia._Trapa._Narria|''Arralda''. ''Hesia''. ''Trapa''. ''Narria''. Digging implements]]
==== [[Alperra_rodillo|''Alperra'', roller]] ====
*[[Alperra_rodillo|''Alperra'', roller]]
=== [[Aperos_para_hacer_surcos|Implements to make furrows]] ===
=== [[Aperos_para_hacer_surcos|Implements to make furrows]] ===
==== [[Cultivador|Cultivator]] ====
==== [[Markoa_marcador|Markoa, marker]] ====
*[[Markoa_marcador|Markoa, marker]]
=== [[Arados_de_puas|Spike ploughs]] ===
=== [[Arados_de_puas|Spike ploughs]] ===
==== [[Itailak|''Itailak'']] ====
==== [[Nabasaia._Lauhortza|''Nabasaia. Lauhortza'']] ====
*[[Nabasaia._Lauhortza|''Nabasaia. Lauhortza'']]
==== [[Tragaz|''Tragaz'']] ====
==== [[Plane|''Plané'']] ====
==== [[Makatza|''Makatza'']] ====
==== [[Grada|Disk plough]] ====
*[[Grada|Disk plough]]
=== [[Instrumentos_para_la_siega|Reaping instruments]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_la_siega|Reaping instruments]] ===
==== [[Hoz_igitaia_zerra|Sickle]] ====
**''Zoqueta'' hand protector
**''Zoqueta'' hand protector
==== [[Guadaña_dallo_sega_kodaina|Scythe]] ====
==== [[Instrumentos_para_afilar_guadañas_y_hoces|Instruments to sharpen scythes and sickles]] ====
*[[Instrumentos_para_afilar_guadañas_y_hoces|Instruments to sharpen scythes and sickles]]
==== [[Piedra_de_afilar._Zorrotzarria.|Sharpening stone]] ====
*[[Piedra_de_afilar._Zorrotzarria.|Sharpening stone]]
==== [[Instrumentos_para_afilar_diversos_aperos_geztera|Instruments to sharpen different implements]] ====
*[[Instrumentos_para_afilar_diversos_aperos_geztera|Instruments to sharpen different implements]]
=== [[Instrumentos_para_la_recogida_de_la_mies_y_la_hierba|Instruments to collect crops and grass]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_la_recogida_de_la_mies_y_la_hierba|Instruments to collect crops and grass]] ===
==== [[Horca_sardea|Pitchfork]] ====
==== [[Horcon._Bieldo|Large pitchfork. Hayfork]] ====
*[[Horcon._Bieldo|Large pitchfork. Hayfork]]
==== [[Horca_de_hierro|Iron pitchfork]] ====
*[[Horca_de_hierro|Iron pitchfork]]
==== [[Horca_metalica_de_puas_curvas._Sarde-aitzurra|Metal pitchfork with curved spikes]] ====
*[[Horca_metalica_de_puas_curvas._Sarde-aitzurra|Metal pitchfork with curved spikes]]
==== [[Arpa|Sacking]] ====
==== [[Rastrillo_arrastelua_eskubera._Rastro|Small rake. Rake]] ====
*[[Rastrillo_arrastelua_eskubera._Rastro|Small rake. Rake]]
==== [[Enfardadora_manual|Manual baler]] ====
*[[Enfardadora_manual|Manual baler]]
==== [[Gancho._Makoa|Hook]] ====
=== [[Instrumentos_para_desbrozar|Clearing instruments]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_desbrozar|Clearing instruments]] ===
==== [[Aihotza_podadera|''Aihotza'', pruning hook]] ====
*[[Aihotza_podadera|''Aihotza'', pruning hook]]
==== [[Rozon|Sickle]] ====
==== [[Belagoia|''Belagoia'']] ====
=== [[Instrumentos_para_trabajar_con_el_estiercol|Instruments to work with manure]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_trabajar_con_el_estiercol|Instruments to work with manure]] ===
Línea 763: Línea 763:
=== [[Instrumentos_para_desgranar_el_trigo_y_el_maiz|Instruments to thresh wheat and corn]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_desgranar_el_trigo_y_el_maiz|Instruments to thresh wheat and corn]] ===
==== [[Mayal_trailua_txibita|''Mayal, trailua, txibita'']] ====
*[[Mayal_trailua_txibita|''Mayal, trailua, txibita'']]
==== [[Piedra_de_trillar_trigo_ogia_jotzeko_harria|Wheat threshing stones]] ====
*[[Piedra_de_trillar_trigo_ogia_jotzeko_harria|Wheat threshing stones]]
==== [[Trillos|Threshers]] ====
=== [[Instrumentos_para_aventar_el_trigo|Instruments for winnowing wheat]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_aventar_el_trigo|Instruments for winnowing wheat]] ===
==== [[Allegadera|Threshing board]] ====
*[[Allegadera|Threshing board]]
==== [[Pala_para_aventar|Winnowing blade]] ====
*[[Pala_para_aventar|Winnowing blade]]
==== [[Criba_cedazo_galbahea|Sieve, sifter]] ====
*[[Criba_cedazo_galbahea|Sieve, sifter]]
==== [[Maquina_de_beldar|Winnowing fork machine]] ====
*[[Maquina_de_beldar|Winnowing fork machine]]
=== [[Desgranadora_de_maiz._Artoa_jotzeko_astoa|Corn thresher]] ===
=== [[Desgranadora_de_maiz._Artoa_jotzeko_astoa|Corn thresher]] ===
Línea 785: Línea 785:
=== [[Instrumentos_para_cortar_madera|Instruments to cut wood]] ===
=== [[Instrumentos_para_cortar_madera|Instruments to cut wood]] ===
==== [[Hacha_aizkora|Axe]] ====
**Double-bladed axe
**Double-bladed axe
Línea 791: Línea 791:
==== [[Sierra_zerra._Serrucho|Saw, ''zerra'' Handsaw]] ====
*[[Sierra_zerra._Serrucho|Saw, ''zerra'' Handsaw]]
**Mitre saw
**Mitre saw
Línea 800: Línea 800:
=== [[Utiles_para_la_recogida_de_frutas|Utensils for harvesting fruit]] ===
=== [[Utiles_para_la_recogida_de_frutas|Utensils for harvesting fruit]] ===
==== [[Vara_haga_kakoa|Pole, ''haga, kakoa'']] ====
*[[Vara_haga_kakoa|Pole, ''haga, kakoa'']]
==== [[Pinzas|Pincers]] ====
=== [[Utiles_para_trabajar_las_vides|Utensils for looking after the vines]] ===
=== [[Utiles_para_trabajar_las_vides|Utensils for looking after the vines]] ===
==== [[Rejon_herron|Iron bar with a sharp point, iron bar]] ====
*[[Rejon_herron|Iron bar with a sharp point, iron bar]]
==== [[Podon._Tajamatas|Sickle. Gardening machete]] ====
*[[Podon._Tajamatas|Sickle. Gardening machete]]
==== [[Gancho._Corquete|Hook. Billhook]] ====
*[[Gancho._Corquete|Hook. Billhook]]
==== [[Tijeras_de_podar_y_de_vendimiar|Harvesting and pruning shears]] ====
*[[Tijeras_de_podar_y_de_vendimiar|Harvesting and pruning shears]]
=== [[Utiles_de_transporte|Transport tools]] ===
=== [[Utiles_de_transporte|Transport tools]] ===
==== [[Transporte_a_hombros|Transporting on shoulders]] ====
*[[Transporte_a_hombros|Transporting on shoulders]]
**''Antzadila''. Very flexible green branches.
**''Antzadila''. Very flexible green branches.
Línea 822: Línea 822:
**Sheets. ''Maniriak''
**Sheets. ''Maniriak''
==== [[Instrumentos_de_transporte|Transport instruments]] ====
*[[Instrumentos_de_transporte|Transport instruments]]
**Baskets: ''saskia, zarea, zarana. Carpancho, cunacho'' large baskets. Hampers and esparto grass baskets. ''Otarria, otzarea''
**Baskets: ''saskia, zarea, zarana. Carpancho, cunacho'' large baskets. Hampers and esparto grass baskets. ''Otarria, otzarea''
Línea 839: Línea 839:
=== [[Medidas_de_longitud|Length measurements]] ===
=== [[Medidas_de_longitud|Length measurements]] ===
==== [[Utensilios_de_medidas_de_longitud|Length measurement instruments]] ====
*[[Utensilios_de_medidas_de_longitud|Length measurement instruments]]
=== [[Medidas_de_superficie|Surface measurements]] ===
=== [[Medidas_de_superficie|Surface measurements]] ===
Línea 845: Línea 845:
=== [[Medidas_ponderales|Weight measurements]] ===
=== [[Medidas_ponderales|Weight measurements]] ===
==== [[Utensilios_de_pesaje|Weighing instruments]] ====
*[[Utensilios_de_pesaje|Weighing instruments]]
=== [[Medidas_de_capacidad_y_utensilios_para_aridos|Capacity measurements and instruments for aggregates]] ===
=== [[Medidas_de_capacidad_y_utensilios_para_aridos|Capacity measurements and instruments for aggregates]] ===
Línea 864: Línea 864:
=== [[Fuerza_humana|Human power]] ===
=== [[Fuerza_humana|Human power]] ===
==== [[El_trabajo_en_comun_de_la_familia|Shared work of the family]] ====
*[[El_trabajo_en_comun_de_la_familia|Shared work of the family]]
==== [[Labores_mas_propias_del_hombre|More typical work of the men]] ====
*[[Labores_mas_propias_del_hombre|More typical work of the men]]
==== [[Participacion_de_la_mujer|Women's involvement]] ====
*[[Participacion_de_la_mujer|Women's involvement]]
==== [[Tareas_de_las_personas_mayores|Tasks of the elderly]] ====
*[[Tareas_de_las_personas_mayores|Tasks of the elderly]]
==== [[Criado_morroia|Paid help]] ====
*[[Criado_morroia|Paid help]]
==== [[El_trabajo_infantil|Children's work]] ====
*[[El_trabajo_infantil|Children's work]]
=== [[Mutua_asistencia_vecinal|Neighbours helping each other]] ===
=== [[Mutua_asistencia_vecinal|Neighbours helping each other]] ===
Línea 880: Línea 880:
=== [[Contratacion_de_obreros_temporales|Contracting temporary workers]] ===
=== [[Contratacion_de_obreros_temporales|Contracting temporary workers]] ===
==== [[Ajuste_de_criado_jornalero_en_la_plaza_publica|Taking on day labourers in the public square]] ====
*[[Ajuste_de_criado_jornalero_en_la_plaza_publica|Taking on day labourers in the public square]]
==== [[Temporeros_jornaletorak|Casual workers]] ====
*[[Temporeros_jornaletorak|Casual workers]]
==== [[Transiciones|Transitions]] ====
=== [[Prendas_de_trabajo._Jnzkerak|Work garments]] ===
=== [[Prendas_de_trabajo._Jnzkerak|Work garments]] ===
==== [[Indumentaria_masculina|Men's clothing]] ====
*[[Indumentaria_masculina|Men's clothing]]
==== [[Indumentaria_femenina|Women's clothing]] ====
*[[Indumentaria_femenina|Women's clothing]]
==== [[Calzado|Footwear]] ====
=== [[Fuerza_animal|Animal power]] ===
=== [[Fuerza_animal|Animal power]] ===
==== [[Ganado_vacuno._Uztartu|Cattle]] ====
==== [[Ganado_caballar1|Horses]] ====
==== [[Ganado_asnal1|Donkeys and Asses]] ====
*[[Ganado_asnal1|Donkeys and Asses]]
==== [[Hoy_dia|Nowadays]] ====
=== [[Apendice_Condiciones_de_trabajo_de_los_jornaleros_y_precio_de_los_jornales_en_siglos_pasados_en_Viana_(N)|Appendix: Work conditions of the day labourers and day's wages in past centuries in Viana (N)]] ===
=== [[Apendice_Condiciones_de_trabajo_de_los_jornaleros_y_precio_de_los_jornales_en_siglos_pasados_en_Viana_(N)|Appendix: Work conditions of the day labourers and day's wages in past centuries in Viana (N)]] ===
Línea 911: Línea 911:
=== [[El_carro_gurdia._La_galera|The cart. The hay wagon]] ===
=== [[El_carro_gurdia._La_galera|The cart. The hay wagon]] ===
==== [[Iparralde_Sara_Donoztiri_Uhartehiri_Garazi_Liginaga|Northern Basque Country: Sara, Donoztiri, Uhartehiri, Garazi, Liginaga]] ====
*[[Iparralde_Sara_Donoztiri_Uhartehiri_Garazi_Liginaga|Northern Basque Country: Sara, Donoztiri, Uhartehiri, Garazi, Liginaga]]
==== [[Navarra_Bera_Urdiain_Amescoa_Aoiz_Valle_de_Arce_y_Oroz-Betelu_Viana_San_Martin_de_Unx_Obanos_Muez_y_Ugar_Valle_de_Roncal_Valtierra_Carcar|Navarra: Bera, Urdiain, Améscoa, Aoiz, Valle de Arce y Oroz-Betelu, Viana, San Martín de Unx, Obanos, Muez y Ugar, Valle de Roncal, Valtierra, Cárcar]] ====
*[[Navarra_Bera_Urdiain_Amescoa_Aoiz_Valle_de_Arce_y_Oroz-Betelu_Viana_San_Martin_de_Unx_Obanos_Muez_y_Ugar_Valle_de_Roncal_Valtierra_Carcar|Navarra: Bera, Urdiain, Améscoa, Aoiz, Valle de Arce y Oroz-Betelu, Viana, San Martín de Unx, Obanos, Muez y Ugar, Valle de Roncal, Valtierra, Cárcar]]
==== [[Alava_Valderejo_Bernedo_Moreda_Abezia_Apodaka_Treviño_y_La_Puebla_de_Arganzon_Berganzo_Pipaon_y_Ribera_Alta_Argandoña|Álava: Valderejo, Bernedo, Moreda, Abezia, Apodaka, Treviño y La Puebla de Arganzón, Berganzo, Pipaón y Ribera Alta, Argandoña]] ====
*[[Alava_Valderejo_Bernedo_Moreda_Abezia_Apodaka_Treviño_y_La_Puebla_de_Arganzon_Berganzo_Pipaon_y_Ribera_Alta_Argandoña|Álava: Valderejo, Bernedo, Moreda, Abezia, Apodaka, Treviño y La Puebla de Arganzón, Berganzo, Pipaón y Ribera Alta, Argandoña]]
==== [[Gipuzkoa_Berastegi_Beasain_Hondarribia_Elgoibar_Telleriarte_Zerain|Gipuzkoa: Berastegi, Beasain, Hondarribia, Elgoibar, Telleriarte, Zerain]] ====
*[[Gipuzkoa_Berastegi_Beasain_Hondarribia_Elgoibar_Telleriarte_Zerain|Gipuzkoa: Berastegi, Beasain, Hondarribia, Elgoibar, Telleriarte, Zerain]]
==== [[Bizkaia_Gautegiz_Arteaga_Abadiño_Amorebieta-Etxano_Bedarona_Urduliz_Valle_de_Carranza|Bizkaia: Gautegiz Arteaga, Abadiño, Amorebieta-Etxano, Bedarona, Urduliz, Valle de Carranza]] ====
*[[Bizkaia_Gautegiz_Arteaga_Abadiño_Amorebieta-Etxano_Bedarona_Urduliz_Valle_de_Carranza|Bizkaia: Gautegiz Arteaga, Abadiño, Amorebieta-Etxano, Bedarona, Urduliz, Valle de Carranza]]
=== [[La_narria_lera|The dray, ''lera'']] ===
=== [[La_narria_lera|The dray, ''lera'']] ===
==== [[Iparralde|Northern Basque Country]] ====
*[[Iparralde|Northern Basque Country]]
==== [[Navarra1|Navarra]] ====
==== [[Alava1|Álava]] ====
==== [[Gipuzkoa1|Gipuzkoa]] ====
==== [[Bizkaia1|Bizkaia]] ====
=== [[El_yugo_uztarria|The yoke]] ===
=== [[El_yugo_uztarria|The yoke]] ===
==== [[Modo_de_uncir_los_bueyes|Way of yoking the oxen]] ====
*[[Modo_de_uncir_los_bueyes|Way of yoking the oxen]]
==== [[Complementos_del_yugo|Complements of the yoke]] ====
*[[Complementos_del_yugo|Complements of the yoke]]
Línea 944: Línea 944:
**Cart rope
**Cart rope
==== [[Yugos_de_las_caballerias|Horse yokes]] ====
*[[Yugos_de_las_caballerias|Horse yokes]]
==== [[Arneses_y_aparejos_de_los_ganados_caballar_y_asnal|Horse and ass harnesses and implements]] ====
*[[Arneses_y_aparejos_de_los_ganados_caballar_y_asnal|Horse and ass harnesses and implements]]
**Pack saddle, saddlecloth and blanket
**Pack saddle, saddlecloth and blanket
Línea 953: Línea 953:
**Draw reins
**Draw reins
==== [[Aparejos_de_transporte|Transport implements]] ====
*[[Aparejos_de_transporte|Transport implements]]
Línea 967: Línea 967:
=== [[La_mecanizacion_en_una_localidad_alavesa|Mechanisation in a locality of Álava]] ===
=== [[La_mecanizacion_en_una_localidad_alavesa|Mechanisation in a locality of Álava]] ===
==== [[El_arado_y_su_evolucion|The plough and its evolution]] ====
*[[El_arado_y_su_evolucion|The plough and its evolution]]
==== [[Industrializacion_de_los_aperos_de_labranza|Industrialisation of the farm implements]] ====
*[[Industrializacion_de_los_aperos_de_labranza|Industrialisation of the farm implements]]
==== [[La_aparicion_del_tractor|The appearance of the tractor]] ====
*[[La_aparicion_del_tractor|The appearance of the tractor]]
=== [[Aperos_utilizados_durante_el_ciclo_agricola|Implements used during the farming year]] ===
=== [[Aperos_utilizados_durante_el_ciclo_agricola|Implements used during the farming year]] ===
==== [[Preparacion_de_la_tierra|Preparing the land]] ====
*[[Preparacion_de_la_tierra|Preparing the land]]
==== [[La_siembra|Sowing]] ====
==== [[Mantenimiento_de_los_cultivos|Care of the crops]] ====
*[[Mantenimiento_de_los_cultivos|Care of the crops]]
==== [[La_cosecha|Harvesting]] ====
=== [[Vertiente_mediterranea2|Mediterranean watershed]] ===
=== [[Vertiente_mediterranea2|Mediterranean watershed]] ===
Línea 989: Línea 989:
=== [[La_mecanizacion_hoy_dia|Mechanisation today]] ===
=== [[La_mecanizacion_hoy_dia|Mechanisation today]] ===
==== [[Vertiente_mediterranea3|Mediterranean watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_mediterranea3|Mediterranean watershed]]
==== [[Vertiente_atlantica3|Atlantic watershed]] ====
*[[Vertiente_atlantica3|Atlantic watershed]]
=== [[Maquinas_en_sociedad_y_de_propiedad_colectiva|Machines in society and collective property]] ===
=== [[Maquinas_en_sociedad_y_de_propiedad_colectiva|Machines in society and collective property]] ===
Línea 1002: Línea 1002:
=== [[Compra_de_semillas_y_plantas._Haziak_eta_landareak|Buying seeds and plants]] ===
=== [[Compra_de_semillas_y_plantas._Haziak_eta_landareak|Buying seeds and plants]] ===
==== [[Hoy_dia1|Nowadays]] ====
=== [[Compra_de_abonos._Ongarriak|Buying fertilisers]] ===
=== [[Compra_de_abonos._Ongarriak|Buying fertilisers]] ===
Línea 1020: Línea 1020:
=== [[Servicios_prestados_por_vendedores_ambulantes|Services providers by peddlers]] ===
=== [[Servicios_prestados_por_vendedores_ambulantes|Services providers by peddlers]] ===
==== [[Servicios_de_carniceria|Butchery services]] ====
*[[Servicios_de_carniceria|Butchery services]]
=== [[Ferias_ganaderas|Livestock fairs]] ===
=== [[Ferias_ganaderas|Livestock fairs]] ===
Línea 1031: Línea 1031:
=== [[Propiedad_comunal_y_su_aprovechamiento|Communal property and its use]] ===
=== [[Propiedad_comunal_y_su_aprovechamiento|Communal property and its use]] ===
==== [[Arrendamiento_de_comunales|Leasing commons]] ====
*[[Arrendamiento_de_comunales|Leasing commons]]
==== [[Otros_usos_del_monte_comunal|Other uses of common upland]] ====
*[[Otros_usos_del_monte_comunal|Other uses of common upland]]
=== [[Tierras_de_Misericordia_y_Arca_de_Misericordia|Tierras de Misericordia and Arca de Misericordia (ecclesiastic and secular wheat bank in time of hardship)]] ===
=== [[Tierras_de_Misericordia_y_Arca_de_Misericordia|Tierras de Misericordia and Arca de Misericordia (ecclesiastic and secular wheat bank in time of hardship)]] ===
Línea 1041: Línea 1041:
=== [[Propietarios_que_explotan_mediante_inquilinos|Owners who farmed by means of tenants]] ===
=== [[Propietarios_que_explotan_mediante_inquilinos|Owners who farmed by means of tenants]] ===
==== [[Precio_de_la_renta_y_su_fijacion|Price of the rent and how it was set]] ====
*[[Precio_de_la_renta_y_su_fijacion|Price of the rent and how it was set]]
==== [[Pago_en_especie_o_en_metalico|Payment in kind or in cash]] ====
*[[Pago_en_especie_o_en_metalico|Payment in kind or in cash]]
**Terms of payment
**Terms of payment
Línea 1052: Línea 1052:
=== [[Imbricacion_de_propiedad_comunal_y_propiedad_privada|Overlapping of communal and private property]] ===
=== [[Imbricacion_de_propiedad_comunal_y_propiedad_privada|Overlapping of communal and private property]] ===
==== [[Tiempo_de_derrota|Time of ruin]] ====
*[[Tiempo_de_derrota|Time of ruin]]
==== [[Arboles_de_propiedad_privada_en_terreno_comunal|Privately-owned trees on common land]] ====
*[[Arboles_de_propiedad_privada_en_terreno_comunal|Privately-owned trees on common land]]
Línea 1063: Línea 1063:
=== [[Proteccion_de_los_sembrados_y_plantas|Protecting seedbeds and plants]] ===
=== [[Proteccion_de_los_sembrados_y_plantas|Protecting seedbeds and plants]] ===
==== [[Proteccion_contra_plagas|Protecting against pests]] ====
*[[Proteccion_contra_plagas|Protecting against pests]]
==== [[Proteccion_contra_jabalies_basurdeak_y_tejones_azkonarrak|Protecting against wild boars and badgers]] ====
*[[Proteccion_contra_jabalies_basurdeak_y_tejones_azkonarrak|Protecting against wild boars and badgers]]
==== [[Proteccion_contra_los_conejos|Protecting against rabbits]] ====
*[[Proteccion_contra_los_conejos|Protecting against rabbits]]
==== [[Proteccion_contra_los_pajaros._Espantapajaros_txorimaloa_txori-jabolea|Protecting against birds. Scarecrows]] ====
*[[Proteccion_contra_los_pajaros._Espantapajaros_txorimaloa_txori-jabolea|Protecting against birds. Scarecrows]]
=== [[Ritos_y_practicas_simbolicas_fuegos_solsticiales|Rites and symbolic customs: solstice fires]] ===
=== [[Ritos_y_practicas_simbolicas_fuegos_solsticiales|Rites and symbolic customs: solstice fires]] ===
==== [[Practicas_en_torno_a_la_fiesta_de_san_Juan_Bautista|Customs around St. John the Baptist's Feast Day]] ====
*[[Practicas_en_torno_a_la_fiesta_de_san_Juan_Bautista|Customs around St. John the Baptist's Feast Day]]
==== [[Antiguas_creencias_relacionadas_con_la_fertilidad_de_la_tierra|Old beliefs relating to the fertility of the earth]] ====
*[[Antiguas_creencias_relacionadas_con_la_fertilidad_de_la_tierra|Old beliefs relating to the fertility of the earth]]
==== [[Imagenes_de_santos_y_practicas_magicas|Saints' images and magic]] ====
*[[Imagenes_de_santos_y_practicas_magicas|Saints' images and magic]]
==== [[La_implantacion_de_El_mayo._Donilatxa|Erecting the maypole]] ====
*[[La_implantacion_de_El_mayo._Donilatxa|Erecting the maypole]]
=== [[Bendicion_de_los_campos_y_las_semillas|Blessing the fields and seeds]] ===
=== [[Bendicion_de_los_campos_y_las_semillas|Blessing the fields and seeds]] ===
==== [[Bendicion_e_implantacion_de_cruces|Blessing and erecting crosses]] ====
*[[Bendicion_e_implantacion_de_cruces|Blessing and erecting crosses]]
==== [[Ramos_bendecidos|Blessed branches]] ====
*[[Ramos_bendecidos|Blessed branches]]
==== [[Ritos_de_bendicion_de_los_campos|Rites to bless the fields]] ====
*[[Ritos_de_bendicion_de_los_campos|Rites to bless the fields]]
==== [[Bendicion_de_semillas|Blessing seeds]] ====
*[[Bendicion_de_semillas|Blessing seeds]]
=== [[Toques_de_campanas_y_conjuros_contras_las_tormentas._Traslado_de_imagenes_de_santos|Bell-ringing and spells against storms. Moving the saint's images]] ===
=== [[Toques_de_campanas_y_conjuros_contras_las_tormentas._Traslado_de_imagenes_de_santos|Bell-ringing and spells against storms. Moving the saint's images]] ===
==== [[Toques_de_campanas|Bell-ringing]] ====
==== [[Piedritas_recogidas_en_Pascua|Pebbles collected at Easter]] ====
*[[Piedritas_recogidas_en_Pascua|Pebbles collected at Easter]]
==== [[Conjuros_realizados_desde_la_iglesia_o_ermita._Konjuruak|Incantations from the church or chapel]] ====
*[[Conjuros_realizados_desde_la_iglesia_o_ermita._Konjuruak|Incantations from the church or chapel]]
==== [[Invocaciones_a_santa_Barbara|Praying to Saint Barbara]] ====
*[[Invocaciones_a_santa_Barbara|Praying to Saint Barbara]]
==== [[Imagenes_de_santos|Saints' images]] ====
*[[Imagenes_de_santos|Saints' images]]
=== [[Rogativas_letaniak|Prayers]] ===
=== [[Rogativas_letaniak|Prayers]] ===
==== [[Letanias_de_san_Marcos|St. Mark litanies]] ====
*[[Letanias_de_san_Marcos|St. Mark litanies]]
==== [[Rogativas_de_la_Ascension_Asentzio_errogatibak|Ascension prayers]] ====
*[[Rogativas_de_la_Ascension_Asentzio_errogatibak|Ascension prayers]]
==== [[Rogativas_ocasionales|Occasional prayers]] ====
*[[Rogativas_ocasionales|Occasional prayers]]
==== [[Rogativas_a_santuarios|Prayers at shrines]] ====
*[[Rogativas_a_santuarios|Prayers at shrines]]
==== [[Traslacion_procesional_de_imagenes|Moving images in processions]] ====
*[[Traslacion_procesional_de_imagenes|Moving images in processions]]
=== [[Santos_protectores_de_las_cosechas|Saints protecting crops]] ===
=== [[Santos_protectores_de_las_cosechas|Saints protecting crops]] ===
==== [[San_Gregorio_Ostiense|St. Gregory of Ostia]] ====
*[[San_Gregorio_Ostiense|St. Gregory of Ostia]]
==== [[San_Isidro_labrador|St. Isidore the Labourer]] ====
*[[San_Isidro_labrador|St. Isidore the Labourer]]
==== [[San_Fausto_labrador|St. Faustus the Labourer]] ====
*[[San_Fausto_labrador|St. Faustus the Labourer]]
=== [[Accion_de_gracias_por_las_cosechas|Harvest thanksgiving]] ===
=== [[Accion_de_gracias_por_las_cosechas|Harvest thanksgiving]] ===
{{#bookTitle:Agriculture in the Basque Country | Agricultura_en_vasconia/en}} {{DISPLAYTITLE: Table of contents}}
{{#bookTitle:Agriculture in the Basque Country | Agricultura_en_vasconia/en}} {{DISPLAYTITLE: Table of contents}}

Revisión del 10:15 21 feb 2019

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Agricultural landscape of Álava

Agricultural landscape of Navarra

Agricultural landscape of Bizkaia

Agricultural landscape of Gipuzkoa

Landscapes of the Northern Basque Country (lying within France): three aspects


Land types, quality and crops

    • On common land
    • On private property

Names and description of the farmed land

Sizes of the plots

Situation and separation between fields

Local roads

Meeting places. Social contact areas

Appendix: Jurisdiction boundary stones



General points

Crop distribution in the different types of fields

Crop rotation

Farming year


Appendix: Sayings to do with agriculture


First ploughing of a piece of land

Arable land

    • The Mediterranean side of the watershed
    • The Atlantic side of the watershed


    • Mediterranean watershed
    • Atlantic watershed
    • Mediterranean watershed
    • Atlantic watershed

Use of ash



Sowing and planting

Crop diversity

Crops for human consumption

    • Wheat
      • Mediterranean watershed
      • Atlantic watershed
    • Corn
    • Beans
    • Broad beans
    • Peas
    • Chickpeas, lentils and aizkol
    • Roots: carrot, parsley and beetroot
    • Stems
      • Potatoes
      • Asparagus
    • Leaves
      • Leek
      • Onions
      • Garlic
    • Leaves
      • Lettuce
      • Cabbages
      • Chard
      • Endive, chicory, spinach, celery, cardoon and borage
      • Parsley
    • Flowers: cauliflowers and artichokes
    • Fruit
      • Peppers and chilli
      • Tomatoes
      • Cucumbers, pumpkins and courgettes
      • Melons and watermelons
      • Aubergines
    • Tobacco
      • Growing tobacco in Gipuzkoa
      • The seedbeds
      • The growers
      • Growing tobacco in Navarra
    • Marihuana

Crops for livestock

    • Oats
    • Barley
    • Rye
    • Corn
    • Turnips
    • Beetroot
    • Pumpkins
    • Carrots

Industrial crops

Ornamental plant crops

Caring for the crops

    • Cereals
    • Pulses and beans
    • Potatoes
    • Vegetables


Harvesting crops for human consumption

    • Álava Mediterranean watershed: reaping, hauling, threshing, tossing, storing grain and straw; harvesting today and baling
    • Navarra Mediterranean watershed: reaping, hauling, threshing, tossing, storing grain and straw; harvesting today and baling
    • Atlantic watershed: reaping, threshing, tossing; storage
    • Harvesting cereal today
    • Beans and pods
    • Broad beans, baba
    • Peas
    • Chickpeas and lentils
    • Potatoes
    • Asparagus
    • Leeks; onions and garlic

Crops for livestock

    • Turnips
    • Beetroot
    • Pumpkins
    • Potatoes

Storage and preservation

Flour mills

    • Álava
    • Bizkaia
    • Gipuzkoa
    • Navarra


Grass in the traditional culture

    • Enclosing, ploughing and cultivation
    • Upkeep
    • Grazing
    • Green reaping
    • Hay making
      • Reaping
      • Drying
      • Collecting and transporting
      • Storage
      • Consumption
      • Haystacks

The start of the changes

Changes in the 1960s

Progressive mechanisation

Mechanisation of grass harvesting

Growing grass on the Mediterranean side of the watershed

Other forage


The traditional crop of flax

Flax in the farmed landscape


Production process

Treating the strands




Making the fabric


Esparto grass




Growing fruit trees

Planting and acquiring trees



Harvesting, storing and use of the fruit


The olive

    • Pruning
      • Time of year
      • Tools
    • Ways of pruning
    • Use of the pruned olive-tree branches
    • Tilling and digging
      • Time of year
      • Horse-driven and manual work
      • Mechanised work
    • Fertilising and irrigation
      • Time of year for fertilising
      • Types of fertilisers
      • Ways of fertilising
      • Irrigation
    • Pests and treatments
      • Winter
      • Spring
      • Summer


    • Varieties
    • Tilling
    • Planting
    • Pruning
    • Grafting
    • Primary-shoot thinning
    • Fertilising
    • Secondary-shoot thinning
    • Fruit set
    • Pests
    • Other tasks
    • Preparing the land
    • Soil analysis
    • Pulling up the old vines and replanting
    • Vine varieties
    • Planting tasks
    • Planting procedures followed
    • Caring for the plants
      • Grafting
      • Pruning
      • Fertilising and irrigation
      • Tilling and digging
      • Use of herbicides
      • Treatments
      • Pests
    • Traditional vine growing
    • Trained vines
    • Tasks to care for the vines



    • Time of year
    • Method
    • Time of year
    • Delivering and weighing the olives. Their storage
    • Crushing
    • The hopper
    • The auger
    • The crusher
    • The beaters
    • The tank
    • The press
    • The stoning room
    • The oil vats
    • The waste holding tanks
    • Distribution of the oil
    • Other applications: soap and a medicated paste made of wax and oil
    • Manual olive oil presses
    • Hydraulic olive oil presses
    • Olive oil presses with petrol engine
    • Electric olive oil presses

Appendices: Moreda (A) traditional olive oil presses


    • Wine making
      • Traditional wine-making at home
      • New procedures
      • Wine making in cave-winery
    • Changes to the wines
    • Garapitero or wine duty collector
    • Wine making in industrial wineries
    • Types of reds
      • Whole grape or carbonic maceration system
      • Bordeaux system. Sorting, destemming and crushing method



    • Pre-treatment
    • Crushing
    • Maceration
    • Pressing
    • Fermentation and storage
    • Bottling
    • Acidity
    • Cloudiness
    • Forming of mould
    • Decolouring or blackening
    • Other changes to the cider

Appendix 1: Regulations of a cooperative winery

Appendix 2: Barrel manufacturing



Implements for working the land

    • Hay hooks
    • Hand hoes. Rake
    • Large hoe

Pull-type implements to work the land

    • Nabarra
    • Goldea
    • Goldenabarra
    • Adareta
    • Urdamuturra
    • Golde itzulkorra
    • Swivel plough
    • Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia
      • Nabarra or knife to cut the ground
      • Exa
      • Golde txikia. Golde nagusia or swivel plough
    • Álava and Navarra

Tools to break up clods

Implements to break up and smooth the soil

Implements to make furrows

Spike ploughs

Reaping instruments

    • Names
    • Zoqueta hand protector
    • Names

Instruments to collect crops and grass

Clearing instruments

Instruments to work with manure

Instruments to thresh wheat and corn

Instruments for winnowing wheat

Corn thresher

Shelling legumes

Instruments to cut wood

    • Double-bladed axe
    • Sharpening
    • Wedge
    • Mitre saw
    • Felling trees using a mitre saw
    • Arpana. Saw for timber
    • Sawhorse

Utensils for harvesting fruit

Utensils for looking after the vines

Transport tools

    • Antzadila. Very flexible green branches.
    • Kakola
    • Sheets. Maniriak
    • Baskets: saskia, zarea, zarana. Carpancho, cunacho large baskets. Hampers and esparto grass baskets. Otarria, otzarea
    • Hand biers
    • Handcart

Appendix: Timber rafts



The human body, yardstick

Length measurements

Surface measurements

Weight measurements

Capacity measurements and instruments for aggregates

Capacity measurements for liquids

Measurements related to the sale of timber and the grass transporting





Human power

Neighbours helping each other

Contracting temporary workers

Work garments

Animal power

Appendix: Work conditions of the day labourers and day's wages in past centuries in Viana (N)


The cart. The hay wagon

The dray, lera

The yoke

    • Tethering
    • Hood
    • Borders
    • Cart rope
    • Pack saddle, saddlecloth and blanket
    • Headgear and blinkers
    • Draft collar. Leather draft collar
    • Draw reins
    • Hooks
    • Biers
    • Saddlebags. Astotzarak
    • Other items



Mechanisation in a locality of Álava

Implements used during the farming year

Mediterranean watershed

Atlantic watershed

Mechanisation today

Machines in society and collective property



Buying seeds and plants

Buying fertilisers

Making one's own implements

Buying implements

Repairing implements

Markets and agricultural fairs

Direct selling

Special fairs

Services providers by peddlers

Livestock fairs

Preparing products, contracts and terms of payment


Communal property and its use

Tierras de Misericordia and Arca de Misericordia (ecclesiastic and secular wheat bank in time of hardship)

Owners who directly farmed their land

Owners who farmed by means of tenants

    • Terms of payment
    • Payment times

Situation today

Overlapping of communal and private property



Protecting seedbeds and plants

Rites and symbolic customs: solstice fires

Blessing the fields and seeds

Bell-ringing and spells against storms. Moving the saint's images


Saints protecting crops

Harvest thanksgiving